Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
May 15, 2008
Present: D. Lawton (partial), R. Ferguson, J. Kempton, S. Mentzer, T. Manning, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer
Meeting opened at 7:15PM.
1. April 17, 2008 Meeting Records approved.
2. Main Street Intersections - Jim Zingarelli will contact Mark Johnson of MassHighway regarding the schedule for lane revisions at the Salisbury, Malden, Industrial Drive and Rt. 31 intersections.
3. Traffic Management By-Laws - Don Lawton has prepared a letter to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals asking that the proposal for a Traffic Access Management (TAM) Zoning By-Law (Main Street Corridor only) be considered when the by-laws are being re-written. T/C approved the letter and will send a copy to the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen.
4. Holden Master Plan - Steve Mentzer reported that the Holden Master Plan is being finalized this month and will be presented to the Planning Board in June.
5. Other
A. Resident Lynn Panzarino sent an email to selectman Joe Sullivan (T/C received the email via the Town Manager) concerning a method for reducing speeds on Putnam Road. T/C reviewed the suggestion that stop signs be erected at the intersection of Putnam Road with Twinbrooke Drive, Sycamore Drive and Bailey Road and finds the following: Massachusetts Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices paragraph 2B-5: "Stop signs should not be used for speed control". The Putnam Road conditions do not meet any federal or State warrants for stop signs.
Jim Kempton stated that multiple stop signs can often create the opposite effect than intended; drivers speed up between stop signs.
B. The Holden Christian Academy Administration has requested some type of notification of a school zone on Rt. 31 to alert motorist to the School entry/exit, such as 20 MPH flashing lights. A crosswalk was also requested.
Rt. 31 (a State numbered route, not a State road) does not have sidewalks and therefore does not warrant a crosswalk at the School location. As the School presently has separate entrance and exit driveways, the area does not qualify for "School Zone" devices if the students do not have access to the street (Mayo School for example).
By vote, T/C recommends a sign be installed in each direction of Rt. 31 stating "School Entrance Ahead", set a minimum 150 feet from the nearest School driveway.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 7pm, Selectmen's Room